Dental Implants


If you have a missing tooth and are looking for a stable and durable replacement, Galvan Dental Care offers dental implants as a replacement option. 

Over the last 30 years, dental implants have become the best tooth-replacement option available.  An implant is not only the closest substitute for a natural-looking tooth, but it replaces the root of the tooth, as well, which is healthier for your jaw and face overall.  

Implants bond with the jawbone and make a sturdy base for one (or more) crowns.  The crowns (artificial teeth) are manufactured to match the color of the remaining natural teeth.  The crown looks so much like a real tooth that no one can tell the difference just by your smile.  

Although a dental implant is a term commonly used to identify the entire tooth replacement, the implant is technically just the small titanium screw that is placed into the jawbone.  The screw and an abutment on top of the screw are placed during a minor surgical procedure. The abutment provides a base of the crown. A temporary crown is placed for the healing period, and the permanent crown is fixed with a stronger cement once the jawbone has healed adequately.  

The type of material for the crown is chosen based on patient preference and budget.  

Call us today to discuss your options for missing teeth.