

Plaque and bacteria left on teeth for a prolonged period of time will cause cavities (caries). A cavity is an area of decay in the tooth enamel. Cavities need to be repaired as soon as possible to prevent the decay from spreading to a larger area.

The decayed area that is removed from the enamel will need to be replaced with a “filling.” A filing consists of special materials that are specially made to seal the tooth to prevent bacteria from entering the body through the damaged area of the tooth. Progressive decay could lead to the need for bigger and more expensive procedures to fix the tooth or even cause tooth loss.

When Dr. Galvin fills a cavity, he administers anesthetic around the tooth with decay. When appropriately numb, the area of the cavity is prepped, and then, the filling is placed.

The material chosen for a filling will depend on the position of the filling in the mouth, the durability needed for chewing purposes, and patient budget. Dr. Galvin will help you decide which one is the best solution for you.

Choices range from gold, silver amalgam, porcelain, or composite resin.