Teeth Cleaning


Keeping a healthy mouth through adulthood requires proper dental hygiene. Good daily cleaning is imperative, and a professional cleaning every six months is also important. Flossing and the use of antibacterial mouthwash are also important as additional steps to reducing the plaque and bacteria in the mouth.

Professional cleanings are done in the office by a certified dental hygienist, who has been trained to clean teeth with special tools properly. These intense cleanings are needed to remove the plaque and tartar that even good daily cleanings cannot. Plaque must be removed from teeth to prevent cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Plaque scaling is the first step to the cleaning. Special tools are used to remove the plaque from the gum line and between the teeth. There will always be some degree of scaling necessary during these cleanings, but the amount of time spent during this process can be reduced by staying diligent with brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash.

After the scaling process, the tooth enamel is scrubbed with a special gritty toothpaste. The toothpaste comes in many different flavors, including bubblegum and chocolate, but it is not available to buy for the general public. Using this toothpaste is only recommended twice a year to prevent damaging the tooth enamel.

An exam by Dr. Galvin then follows a professional flossing and a good rinse.

Call the office to set up your next professional cleaning soon.