Tooth Extraction


Teeth sometimes need to be removed, either due to an injury or disease, but can also be necessary to make room for the movement of other teeth, such as when applying braces. Tooth extraction is the removal of the entire tooth and root from its socket in the jawbone.

Having a tooth extraction is not near the ordeal that it was in the Old West. Advancements in sedation and dental equipment have made the entire process much less painful. Knowing the process ahead of time also helps avoid further fears and anxiety.

An injection of anesthetic into the gums numbs the entire area around the tooth being extracted. The injection itself will be no more than an uncomfortable pinching sensation. In most cases, a Q-tip with topical anesthetic is placed on the area to be injected for a few minutes to numb the gums before the injection. The topical anesthetic is to further keep the patient as comfortable as possible.

During the procedure, you will be able to hear sounds and feel pressure, but no actual pain should be felt. If you feel any discomfort during the extraction, you should immediately bring it to our attention. More anesthetic will be administered.

Dr. Galvin and his staff strive to make extractions as pain-free as possible.